I don't know if we are supposed to reply to your newsletter or not, but sometimes, when you hit the nail on the head, I feel I have to. First, congratulations on being inducted into your school's Hall Of Fame. It is richly deserved. Second, it is a pleasure to see that you hold your father in such high esteem (my relationship with mine was not so great), he sounds like a wonderful man, a great mentor and is your hero. That is fantastic! Third, the fact that he, and you, understand that farmers are the backbone of our society. By that I don't mean big agribusiness farms that churn out crops like robots for huge profits, but the family-owned, dawn-to-dusk farmers who work hard, raise a family and make a living. They have respect for each other, respect for the land and respect for their community. Once or twice a year, my wife and I drive from the clutter and clamor of Cincinnati, Ohio to Holmes County, Ohio - Amish country. What a joy it is to see mile after mile after mile of farm land faithfully tilled by these hardworking people. It's land unspoiled by housing developments, strip malls, or factories. It is truly a big breath of fresh air. - Tom Farrell
I have received NUMEROUS responses to the “Tribute To My Father” newsletter. My gratitude to each and every one of you! Here is one of my favorites. -Taylor