" Hi, We sure enjoyed your show last night in Blountville. It was Karen's and my 31st anniversary and we really enjoyed spending it with friends in a Christian atmosphere. We are llamas4God ministry which was originally a nursing home ministry taking our big boys bed to bed. We did that for about 10 years but have not gone out for about a year and a hal...
but hope to resume soon. The llamas were a good distraction from the everyday challenges the residents face, but we're the ones who were blessed. There are so many neat people wanting somenoe to talk with; they have so much wisdom to share. We've had some health issues but God has been real good to us!
Two years ago last October we rescued a 3 day old pig. The sow killed the rest of the litter and tried to kill this little guy. He was gnashed to the bone on one of his back legs (hams). The farmer was going to let nature take its course, but we brought him home and Karen nursed him back to health. We didn't expect to keep him so Karen had him neutered and microchipped and gave him a name that hopefully would convey our wishes- Don't eat me.
So now Don't eat me, yes he answers (grunts/squeals) to his name, is over 700 pounds. Karen saw the picture of Paco on the tickets to the show and wanted to sit up close. We were sitting about 10 rows back to your right so it was perfect.
Thanks for the great show. And thanks for your work with Compassion. We are both Air Force brats and grew up all over the world. I lived in the Philippines from age 8 to 15...I formed my world view there and am very thankful for how blessed we are in this country. I will keep you and your work in my prayers."
God bless, Paul Miller in Bristol, VA